Immanuel uses various Teams to carry out the ministries of this body of Christ. Through the efforts of the Holy Spirit working through these ministers, we as a faith community are able to accomplish great things through Christ who gives us the strength. Being involved with a Team is a great way to get connected in a ministry at Immanuel. The ministries here are as different and varied as are the people here. Here is a brief listing of the Teams and a main ministry in which they engage:
Serving –
This team is primarily responsible for getting people involved in any outreach ministry of Immanuel such as the Grand Ledge Food Bank. They provide opportunities for members to get involved.
Preparing –
This team is tasked with overseeing Christian Education and opportunities for people to grow in their faith. They coordinate Vacation Bible School, Summer Camp programs and Sunday school.
The Gathering Team seeks to welcome people of all ages to hear and celebrate the Good News of God’s love. We provide creative means to enhance the worship experience, whether it be thru music, drama, decorations or other activities. Lugnut baseball games, golf league, chili cook-off, and trivia night are just some of the fun things we do to foster fellowship opportunities within the Immanuel community. Above all, we seek to provide opportunities to be Christ in the community and serve wherever He calls us.
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