Key Elements: Inviting/Welcoming, Family, Fellowship, Uniting

Key Areas of Focus:
- Membership Encouragement Program
- Promot attendance
- Guest/Visitor Book
- Ensure communication is being made to members in the armed forces, students, and families away
- Promote Church, Sunday School, and communion attendance; and provide transportation where required
- Prospective member files
- Pictorial Directory
- Tract Ministry
- Coordinate staffing of the nursery
- Enlist choir, song leaders, and music ministry
- Serve as a choir member, song leader, hand bell choir, and in other music ministry
- Enlist, train, and schedule greeters, ushers, acolytes, assisting ministers, lay readers, communion assistants, and sound system technicians
- Altar care
- Decorations and flowers for seasons and special days
- Maintain worship supplies
- Worship bulletins
- Golf league
- Immanuel softball league
- Easter Breakfast
- Healing Services
- Immanuel Visitation Ministry
- Independence Village Outreach Ministry
- Drama Ministry
- Annual church camping trip
- Coffee hour scheduling
For more information please contact Cheryl Pitchford at