The ELCA statement, “Our Calling in Education,” expresses the idea that God calls us to “educate people in the Christian faith for their vocation and to strive with others to ensure that all have access to high-quality education that develops personal gifts and abilities and serves the common good.” This calling is rooted in a Lutheran legacy that values education for all people in both church and society.
The statement discusses particular responsibilities among people of faith for matters that range from increased attention to faith formation in congregational life to public advocacy for equitable, sufficient and effective funding of public schools. It lifts up, among other concerns, renewed attention to the quality of ELCA colleges, universities and seminaries, the vital role of campus ministries, and the importance of corporate and non-profit support for institutions and for students who need opportunities for education.
We believe that part of our faith journey is learning more about God and specifically Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible. Therefore, our Christian education focuses on becoming familiar with the stories of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today.
Children study the Bible with an emphasis on fun learning and a growing understanding of just how much God loves us. This is done mostly through stories, activities and songs. Adult study is geared towards digging deeper, exploring tough passages and books of the Bible, and learning how to live our faith in modern times. We study books of the Bible, contemporary issues, and Biblical topics with the goal of gaining a greater understanding of what being a faithful Christian really means.
Contact Immanuel for current offerings.