Key Elements: Teaching, Planning, Studying, Decovering
The Preparing Resource Team shall encourage people to grow in faith and deepen their personal with
Jesus Christ. It shall assist members in determining their spiritual gifts and how to use those gifts in
ministry with others. It shall provide educational resources, seek to increase the understanding of
biblical stewardship principles, and support participation in the ministries of the church.
Key Areas of Focus:
- Sunday School curriculum and materials
- Enlist Teachers
- Training Teachers
- Sunday School Staff (Classroom Teachers, Music Teachers, etc.)
- Educational Records (establish and keep current)
- Vacation Bible School
- Educational Equipment and Supplies (purchase and supervise)
- Confirmation Program
- Purchase teacher resource material
- Library
- Organize Coffee hours for Confirmation, Teacher Appreciation, Jesus’s Birthday, and Rally Day Sunday
- Purchase gifts for Confirmation, First Communion, Teacher Appreciation, and Staff Christmas Presents
- Maintain Cradle Roll (One year to Nursery Sunday School Programs)
- Promote Spiritual Growth & Development (Birth through Adult)
- Staff and oversee Children’s Church Program
- Devotional Materials
- Young Adult Group
- Junior and Senior High School Youth Organizations
- Develop Youth Mentors, Leaders and Parental involvement (solicit and train)
- Stewardship Drives
- Coordinate Camps & Retreats
- Small Group Ministry
- Graduate Recognition
- Healing Prayer Ministry
- Annual evaluation of Educational Director
For more information please contact Cindy Foy.