Gathering Team

Key Elements: Inviting/Welcoming, Family, Fellowship, Uniting

Gathering Team seeks to welcome people of all ages to hear and celebrate the Good News of God’s love.  We provide creative means to enhance the worship experience, whether it be thru music, drama, decorations or other activities.  Lugnut baseball games, golf league, chili cook-off, and trivia night are just some of the fun things we do to foster fellowship opportunities within the Immanuel community.  Above all, we seek to provide opportunities to be Christ in the community and serve wherever He calls us.


Key Areas of Focus:

  • Membership Encouragement Program
  • Promot attendance
  • Guest/Visitor Book
  • Ensure communication is being made to members in the armed forces, students, and families away
  • Promote Church, Sunday School, and communion attendance; and provide transportation where required
  • Prospective member files
  • Pictorial Directory
  • Tract Ministry
  • Coordinate staffing of the nursery
  • Enlist choir, song leaders, and music ministry
  • Serve as a choir member, song leader, hand bell choir, and in other music ministry
  • Enlist, train, and schedule greeters, ushers, acolytes, assisting ministers, lay readers, communion assistants, and sound system technicians
  • Altar care
  • Decorations and flowers for seasons and special days
  • Maintain worship supplies
  • Worship bulletins
  • Golf league
  • Immanuel softball league
  • Easter Breakfast
  • Healing Services
  • Immanuel Visitation Ministry
  • Independence Village Outreach Ministry
  • Drama Ministry
  • Annual church camping trip
  • Coffee hour scheduling

For more information please contact Cheryl Pitchford at