It’s Spring Clean Up Time

Immanuel family – it is time to clean up, spruce up, and make our Immanuel home sparkle.  We are taking a different approach to Spring Clean Up this year.  We would like to give everyone an opportunity to help out. Rather than a specific date, as we have done in the past, the clean up tasks will be completed based upon your time schedules.  The Support Team has developed a list of “clean up” tasks and we are asking that you sign up for one or more of the tasks. Clean up tasks may be completed by a family, an individual, or a group of families or individuals working together.  You decide what you would like to do and when and then just sign up.  All we ask is that all tasks are completed by May 31.  Spring is in the air – let’s make our Immanuel shine.
Jeanie will be coordinating the task list, so please contact her at 517-627-6310 with your chosen task.


  • Clean up sticks and trash on all our property
  • Restore existing barn (clean and paint)
  • Rake leaves
  • Fix up basement window on 501
  • Clean all outside church windows
  • Blow dust/dirt from parking lot put up new posts and handy cap signage
  • Wood chip removal areas can be done by more than one family
  • Put in new wood chips
  • Dig out dirt in flower beds on old steps so the box can be drained and sealed
  • Replace dirt in flower beds


  • Thorough cleaning of all bathrooms
  • Dust all surfaces , light fixtures, and ceiling fans
  • Clean Windows, and baseboards in all rooms
  • Polish ALL brass in the church
  • Polish pews
  • Vacuum carpets and spot clean
  • Sanitize toys, handrails, pews, elevator
  • Clean cushions on pews
  • Mop entry way, fellowship hall, and all 5 classrooms
  • Polish/clean altar and altar furniture
  • Clean library
  • Clean sacristy
  • Repair and clean back hall landing