Reflections from your Pastor……
I have to admit that there are times when I don’t pay close enough attention to the details. I like to say that I am a big picture kind of person, but the reality is that paying attention to the details can yield a clearer big picture. So, I’m learning to lean into things more; more listening, more focused, more intentional. I have found that when I am able to do this, the results are that my spirit is calmer and I feel like I gain an understanding that I did not have before. There is a sense of wonder and peace that can come when we take one thing, one activity and put all of our energy into it, rather than our usual multi-tasking, going in a hundred directions at once, style of operating. The Buddhist would call this “mindfulness”. For example, focusing on our breathing as a way of meditating, slowing our heart rate and simply just breathing in and out is a way of centering oneself. It is also a good way for us to engage our inner spiritual nature. The one that is at peace, is calm, is focused, is content; not the nature that is freaking out over this or that. It truly is amazing how clear we can be when we engage this part of our inner nature. We become more aware of God’s incredible love and creation around us. We welcome the mystery of God’s divinity and striving for answers to life’s questions is no longer as important as receiving the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is a feeling of being open to God and leaning into God’s grace. As we do this, our spirit becomes so filled with the awesomeness of God, we sense his grace surrounding us and we are overwhelmed by how much God loves us. I hope this day that you take the time to just breathe. I hope that you are able to quiet your heart and mind and become more open to the Spirit. I pray that you become more aware of God’s presence, in the changing leaves, in the cry of a baby, at the graveside of a loved one, in the warmth of an embrace, in the chill of a fall morning and the brilliance of the stars at night. And I hope that in doing so, you would receive this Holy Wonder and the courage to lean into God’s grace which is everywhere.