Immanuel is a Lutheran church that belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) We are the largest of the 3 main branches of Lutheranism in the United States. We confess Jesus as Lord and Savior and we believe that he lived, died and was raised from the dead in order that we might have salvation through faith. We use mainly the Apostle’s Creed in our worship to express or summarize this belief. We believe the Bible is truly the inspired word of God and is the source and norm for all teaching. We celebrate the real presence of Christ in Holy Communion and we welcome all believers to God’s table. When Lutherans talk about faith, we are talking about the relationship God’s Holy Spirit creates with us. It’s a relationship where God’s promise of steadfast love and mercy in Jesus opens us to a life of bold trust in God and joyful, generous service to everyone we know and meet in daily life.
Our purpose as a faith community is Connecting Lives to Christ, Serving God and neighbor and Living our Faith. We exist to connect people to Jesus, his message of hope and his saving love. Further, his love compels us to serve God and to serve our neighbor both near and far. We believe that through prayer, worship, stewardship and faith formation we are able to live a Jesus centered life here on earth and follow God’s call to the best of our human ability.
Because we believe that the power of God’s love transforms us, Immanuel seeks to be a place that welcomes, nourishes and empowers all people to grow in faith. We will be a place that intentionally engages youth and young adults by valuing their unique gifts and ideas, as we value everyone’s gifts, young and old alike. Immanuel will be an active, Christ centered leader in our community by being a church that shares the hope, grace and love of Jesus Christ to all people in word and in deed.